CARP-E Anonymizer
Automated anonymization: fast and accurate.
Since the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR), you as an organization must handle personal data with even greater care. When you share or publish documents with others, you must ensure that the personal information in these documents cannot be traced back to individual persons. This means that many documents have to be made anonymous. Anonymizing all these documents by hand is a labor-intensive and error-prone process. That is why TM7 offers the CARP-E Anonymizer for automated anonymization. Not only 90% faster and more efficient than manual anonymization, but also much more accurate.
For whom?
Automated anonymization is possible for different target groups and business issues. CARP-E Anonymizer is used in the process of municipalities, hospitals, environmental services and ministries. Some examples:
Faster handling of Government Public Access Act requests.
Within the Government Domain, large quantities of documents with privacy sensitive data are processed and published. Government Public Access Act requests can cause a considerable peak in the workload. This usually involves many documents and deadlines. Checking and "removing" privacy-sensitive information from the documents often has to be done under time pressure. CARP-E Anonymizer can take this work off your hands, which means that Government Public Access Act requests can be processed faster.
More permit information online.
Government organizations want to comply with the transparency of information. One of those wishes is to make all permit applications public. In the video on the right, the municipality of Utrecht indicates how they apply our CARP-E Anonymizer to automate anonymization and making its information available. This has greatly improved service to residents with less workload for the municipality of Utrecht.
Anonymize patient information for research.
For scientific research, researchers sometimes need to have anonymised information. So without a citizen service number, name, address or date of birth. This information often comes from databases (structured information), but sometimes also from documentation and notes. Here too, CARP-E Anonymizer offers a solution to safeguard the privacy data of patients.
What does it deliver?
With Carp-E Anonymizer, sensitive information is automatically recognized and anonymised as desired. Such as personal and address details, signatures, account and telephone numbers. After a possible check and approval, the document is immediately made available in a format that is suitable for publication.
This offers clear advantages:
- High level of efficiency and accuracy. Efficiency benefits of more than 90% are possible.
- Many more documents can be offered directly to stakeholders.
- The software takes over the largest and most boring part of the work, employees can greatly limit the interaction with the software.
- Substantially lower administrative costs and a shorter throughput time.
- Secure: the privacy-sensitive data has a black bar and can no longer be read. (anonymization is irreversible)
- In addition to anonymization, pseudonymization is also possible.
CARP-E Anonymizer: "intelligent software that recognizes the same privacy sensitive information as a trained employee"
Why CARP-E Anonymizer?
CARP-E is Anonymizer based on language technology. That means we learn CARP-E, our reading robot, to interpret the human language.
Just like an employee, our CARP-E reading robot can further develop and gain domain knowledge. The further CARP-E develops with your help, the less audit work is required. In addition, you can also use our intelligent software for applications other than anonymization. For example, on request we also learned CARP-E to help classify and metadate documents (in accordance with Application profile metadata local authorities (TMLO)). If you have a new business issue, please let us know. We now have more than 15 years of experience in the field of language technology, and are just like CARP-E driven to explore new possibilities.

In addition to CARP-E as a "learning" engine, we often receive the following reactions from customers and other interested parties about the CARP-E Anonymizer:
- Can handle different types of documents including images regardless of size.
- Ease of use. Nice statements: "If you can work with drag & drop in Windows, you can work with the Anonymizer" and "Is that all?"
- Start right way! During our demos we can show live that any laptop with CARP-E Anonymizer installed is ready for any document. You will get the results right way.
- The Anonymizer is a great addition to existing systems, because it can function on itself, but can also be integrated into a scan solution or any DMS system. So you don't have to replace other systems to make automatic anonymization possible.

Various options with CARP-E Anonymizer.
Get started with CARP-E
Our CARP-E Anonymizer is available as a SaaS, as well as on premise solution.
CARP-E is quick to install, easy to use (click & play). It can also integrate well into your work processes or other systems. If you have specific requirements regarding anonymization we would like to hear how we can solve that for you. - Easy to expand
The CARP-E product and our licensing model are structured in such a way that you can easily expand.
It is possible to start small, with a department or even an employee, and then expand when needed.
In addition, you can also easily use other functionality, such as our CARP-E Metadator, to attach metadata to your documents. - Additional services and services
With our anonymisation expertise and together with our partners, we can offer you a helping hand on many issues:
- Are you behind in anonymizing documents?
- Do you have a peak in the number of government public access act requests?
- Is the burden for your current team too great?
- Do you want your team to gain more knowledge and skills in anonymizing?
We have a specialized team ready to help you!